Welcome to Ashfield
terms of visiting.
In the interest of safety, visitors to the premises have a duty to comply with our health and safety policy, procedures and safe working practices. All visitors must enter their details on arrival, signing in to acknowledge these rules have been read and understood.
✍️ Signing in/out
All visitors entering the building (except the visiting pod), must sign-in on arrival and sign-out when leaving.
Wait in the reception area for a member of senior staff to provide a relevant access pass (and lanyard) before proceeding with visiting intentions.
The access pass must be given back after singing out.
🚘 Vehicle parking
Vehicles must be parked in designated areas in accordance with visitor parking arrangements.
Ensure that your vehicle does not obstruct access routes for emergency services and/or emergency exits, neighbour’s driveways, pavements.
If in doubt, please ask a member of staff.
🦺 Health & safety
Use the hand sanitizer provided on entry.
Personal protective equipment and/or clothing may be provided for your protection, please follow the instructions for use.
Do not enter any area of the premises unless you have permission from authorised personnel.
Accidents to visitors must be reported to management without delay.
🧯 Fire procedure
In the event of a fire, follow the company’s evacuation procedure as detailed on the fire notices posted around the building.
Smoking is NOT permitted within these premises.
🔐 Security
Authorised personnel must grant permission before any article is removed from the premises. The management operates a “spot check” system for searching visitors’ bags and vehicles.
Residents must not leave the building unless authorised by management in writing. Please, report any activity which may defy this term to management immediately.
Please, comply with any reasonable request.
⭐️ Feedback/Review
We welcome and encourage you to share all complaints, suggestions and compliments which can help us improve our services. Please, consider leaving us some feedback or a Google review of your experience with our service.