Activities & Events
Activities Assistant
up to 24 hrs pw | as per rota | 09:00 > 17:00
0 hrs pw | any open shifts | 09:00 > 17:00
Deliver planned activities to our residents.
Assist with planned seasonal events for our resident’s, employees and local community.
View full job description here.
£12.21 per hour
Activities & Events Co-Ordinator
40 hrs pw | 1 admin day per week + 4 on floor shifts as per rota | 09:00 > 17:00
Plan and deliver activities to our residents.
Plan and deliver seasonal events for our resident’s, employees and local community.
View full job description here.
£13.00 per hour
Match with the right role
Think about the personal qualities that you hold:
What are you good at?
What do you enjoy doing?
What type of personality do you have?
What skills do you possess?
What have you experienced?
The qualities you hold should help you understand what duties you would be good at taken on...
Think about how your personal qualities would make you good at any of the following personal duties:
Keeping fit and healthy.
Being mindful and content.
Cooking, washing and cleaning.
Learning new skills / practicing old skills.
Socialising with others.
If you’re good at any of the personal duties above, then you should be good at helping our resident’s with them too…