

    • Assist with the delivery of planned activities to our residents.

    • Assist with planned seasonal events for our resident’s, employees and local community.

    View full job description here.

Match with the right role

  • Think about the personal qualities that you hold:

    • What are you good at?

    • What do you enjoy doing?

    • What type of personality do you have?

    • What skills do you possess?

    • What have you experienced?

    The qualities you hold should help you understand what duties you would be good at taken on...

  • Think about how your personal qualities would make you good at any of the following personal duties:

    • Keeping fit and healthy.

    • Being mindful and content.

    • Cooking, washing and cleaning.

    • Learning new skills / practicing old skills.

    • Socialising with others.

    If you’re good at any of the personal duties above, then you should be good at helping our resident’s with them too…